Join ADL in Taking Action
ADL is an organization that works to secure justice and fair treatment for everyone. ADL has always stood with asylum seekers and refugees. Immigration policy should not be based on spreading fear and intimidation throughout communities. Government officials, law enforcement, faith leaders and community members should come together to uphold community and American values in supporting immigrants and a create a climate where everyone in our communities is made to feel welcome and safe.
ADL supports effective policies that promote border safety to combat terrorism, and other real and potential threats. At the same time, we recognize that U.S. asylum and refugee systems, as well as individuals and families, face insurmountable obstacles. As a result, we thought it important to share the information below about what ADL is doing and what you can do to support asylum seekers and refugees.
Please join us in fighting hate for good.
Scott L. Levin, Regional Director
ADL Mountain States
Detention Practices
ADL continues to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis at the border, which in many ways has worsened for migrants in the past year. The issues now go well beyond the forced family separations. Migrant children are being held in overcrowded, unsanitary and dangerous detention facilities in violation of the Flores settlement agreement that requires children to be housed in safe and sanitary conditions.
We are outraged when children are being held for weeks and months in prison-like facilities and conditions, and when toddlers have to be hospitalized because of neglect within the facilities. The deaths of children in Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) custody are inexcusable. ADL continues to call for oversight of the detention facilities, that families be reunified, that Congress encourage use of alternatives to detention and that the government immediately act to improve conditions in these facilities and comply with U.S. law.
ICE Raids
President Trump recently announced that ICE would conduct large scale immigration raids targeting parents and children in multiple cities across the country and then delayed those raids. Regardless of when ICE raids begin, we are concerned that the threat of such raids has already generated significant fear and intimidation among immigrants, immigration advocates and immigrant communities. We condemn the use of raids by immigration enforcement officers, which not only spread fear but also undermine public safety for all. Immigrant communities that are deeply fearful of law enforcement and government authorities prevent law enforcement from doing their jobs to protect their communities.
ADL thanks cities such as Denver, Aurora and Boulder, and Mesa, Pitkin and Pueblo counties in Colorado and cities like San Miguel and San Bernalillo County in New Mexico that have already clarified that they will not be using local resources to assist ICE with federal immigration enforcement and is encouraging those that have not done so to release statements and take action to support immigrants. This is consistent with our longstanding support for welcoming cities and community policing policies.
General Immigration Policies & Additional Issues
ADL’s advocacy for Dreamers continues in Congress and in the courts. We are calling on the Senate to take action on the Dream and Promise Act as the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether or not to grant the government’s petition to reconsider lower court decisions blocking President Trump’s decision to end DACA. ADL is heartened by the decision of the Supreme Court denying the use of a citizenship question in the US census, and is proud to have joined an amicus brief that opposed the question. ADL will continue to file amicus briefs challenging Department of Justice efforts to link the receipt of federal public safety grants to immigration-related conditions. ADL continues to monitor and expose the role that extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies play in today’s debate.
Five Things You Can Do to Support Asylum Seekers and Refugees
- Sign ADL’s petition: https://action.adl.org/immigration-is-under-attack/
- Urge your members of Congress to support the Keep Families Together Act, which prevents families from being separated at the border, and to support the NO BAN Act, which eliminates the Muslim Ban, as well as other asylum and refugee bans.
- Identify and support local events, such as the Moral Minyan this Sunday afternoon in Aurora, CO, that are being held to bring attention to detention conditions across the country.
- Submit letters to the editor of your local newspaper supporting asylum seekers and refugees.
- Share the letter signed by thousands of Jewish clergy expressing moral outrage to our nation’s treatment of asylum seekers. Encourage Jewish clergy in your community to join.