Cheri Rubin
This month’s Spotlight shines on ADL Mountain States Regional Board Member Cheri Rubin, who was recently profiled in ADL’s national publication, ADL Insights. This story is reprinted from the Spring 2020 edition.
Cheri Rubin was introduced personally to ADL when Scott Levin, Mountain States Regional Director, and three other ADL representatives served on a task force she co-chaired for Colorado Ballet, Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project. With a gift for bringing people and communities together, Cheri – partnering with Scott and his colleagues – convinced 100 community groups to partner with the Project. At the same time, Cheri was directing after-school performing arts programs at a school that was part of ADL’s No Place for Hate® program and was impressed by the partnership between ADL, the school, and the children. Scott quickly realized that Cheri would be an enormous asset to their work in the region and Cheri was invited to join the Mountain States Regional Board.
After a successful career in the reinsurance industry, Cheri has immersed herself in the arts and philanthropy. She currently serves as the President of Evergreen Music Festival, Music Director of Congregation Beth Evergreen, and Colorado Ballet board member. In her role as regional board member at ADL, she has been responsible for creating joyous artistic and musical events in support of its work, bringing ADL supporters and the broader community together to stand unified against antisemitism and hate. Her experience in running a music festival has certainly come in handy in her work with ADL. In addition to all Cheri has done for ADL in bringing the community together, she has included ADL in her estate plans.
Cheri shares, “We all want to make sure we have enough money through our lives, and of course take care of our families. But there will be some left over. I have some organizations that are near and dear to my heart, including ADL, and I want it to go to them.” As Cheri states, “I learned about the ADL Legacy Challenge, and was excited to know that my future gift can generate an immediate gift for the region today. I had already put ADL in my plans but learning about the Challenge inspired me to share the details with them. And I was particularly happy that the matching gift funds were going to be directed to the local regions. I encourage all of my fellow ADL supporters to consider including ADL in their estate plans. And if you have already, let them know!”
To learn more legacy giving with ADL, including the ADL Mountain States Region’s participation in the Rose Community Foundation’s Live On / Life & Legacy challenge match, please contact Development Director Michael Rudnick at mrudnick@adl.org.