ADL Appalled at “Offensive, Unacceptable” Comments Reported in CO Springs Gazette

  • September 3, 2014

In a letter to the Editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette submitted on September 2, 2014, Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Regional Director Scott L. Levin writes:


     The Anti-Defamation League is appalled by Gordon Klingenschmitt’s reported comments comparing Congressman Jared Polis’s support for anti-discrimination legislation to ISIS’s beheading of Christians. In his Pray in Jesus Name Project newsletter, Klingenschmitt, apparently referencing the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act, reportedly stated, “Democrats like Polis want to bankrupt Christians who refuse to worship and endorse his sodomy. Next he’ll join ISIS in beheading Christians . . ..” Comparing anti-discrimination bills to a terrorist organization’s horrifically violent actions is highly inappropriate. It not only trivializes the suffering experienced by victims of ISIS, but also demeans the peaceful, legislative efforts for equality.  Furthermore, Klingenschmitt’s statement is an offensive, unacceptable attack on an individual based on sexual orientation.


     Reasonable people can disagree on public policy without equating their opponents with terrorists or attacking their sexual orientation. As ADL has frequently said, we urge all political candidates to engage in a civil discourse.


     As a 501c3 tax-exempt organization, ADL does not intervene in campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for office.


Scott L. Levin, Regional Director

Anti-Defamation League, Mountain States Region