ADL Condemns Anti-Islam Ads on RTD Buses

  • November 14, 2012

Responding to reports of anti-Islamic ads posted on several RTD buses in Denver, Scott L. Levin, ADL Mountain States Regional Director, issued the following statement:

The Anti-Defamation League condemns these ads as highly offensive and inflammatory.  These advertisements stereotype an entire religion based on the actions of extremists.  There are extremists in every religion whose views reflect hatred and bigotry — and their acts of violence deserve to be condemned — but to condemn the entire faith based on the views of a small minority is unwarranted, hateful and hurtful to our Muslim neighbors.

At the same time, ADL supports the free speech guarantees embodied in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.  ADL understands the best way to combat hateful speech is with more speech, exposing hateful speech for its false content and innuendo, setting the record straight and promoting respect.