ADL Disappointed by “Deeply Offensive” Cartoon in Boulder Daily Camera

  • March 16, 2015

In a letter to the Editor of the Boulder Daily Camera, Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Regional Director Scott L. Levin writes:


The editorial cartoon by John Cole appearing in the March 8 Camera showing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing under an American flag where the stars have been replaced by an Israeli flag with a Jewish Star of David was deeply offensive.

The caricaturist takes a controversial subject, the recent visit of the prime minister and all of its complications, and uses it to project a stereotype that Israel controls U.S. foreign policy.

Whatever one thinks of the prime minister’s appearance before Congress, this kind of conspiracy-mongering ill-serves a proper understanding of the issue, and does not accurately represent in the slightest the way American foreign policy is made.

Scott L. Levin
Anti-Defamation League