“I learned what an ally really is and how we have our differences but can still protect each other.” – High School Student, Denver School of the Arts
“This is my third time seeing an ADL presentation and I always learn something and get inspired to change for the better.” -High School Student, BBYO
“I have learned that we all have to be proud of who we are. ” -High School Student, South High School
“I learned how important it is to stay strong and know the facts, so you can stand up for yourself.” -High School Student, Denver Academy of Torah
“I am going to be more aware and show up when people need it.” – College Student, University of Denver
“This was very, very powerful. I will be an ally.” -High School Student, East High School
“I think this program was very impactful and helps us see who we really are and how we connect to other people.” -High School Student, Cherry Creek High School