Catholic Jewish Dialogue
For more than 30 years, ADL has sponsored a Catholic/Jewish Dialogue to bring together Roman Catholics and Jews to talk and listen to one another, discuss differences and similarities and encourage understanding of and respect for each other’s beliefs. The group also works to develop relationships that will help address issues that may arise in the Catholic and/or Jewish communities.
The Dialogue is purposely kept to a small group of 44 members to foster the dialogue process and to insure that members get a chance to know each other. The goal is to have an even balance of Catholics and Jews, and currently, ADL is seeking nominations for a few new members.
Meetings are held every two months from September to May, usually at noon on Mondays, with programming that addresses issues of interest to Catholics and Jews. Dialogue members cannot be clergy, although they can be lay workers in the Catholic or Jewish communities (educators, administrators, etc.). We encourage you to nominate yourself or others that you think would enjoy and contribute to this Dialogue.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please call 303-830-7177 or download the nomination form: adl-catholic-jewish-dialogue-nomination-form.