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A Culture of Philanthropy – Planning for year-end giving – Part 2

  • September 19, 2022

As we are more than halfway through 2022, nonprofits and donors alike are planning for making and receiving donations for the end of the year RIGHT NOW. We have suggested tips to maximize your giving, make an impact on your community, reduce your taxes, and avoid stressful year end processes. And…these can be done NOW! You don’t have to wait until the end of the year. You can avoid the holiday rush and issues with people on vacations, slow mail service, and other things that can happen unexpectedly by planning now and making your between now and Thanksgiving!


Planning for Year-End Giving: PART 2

Did you know that you can gift stock and avoid a capital gains tax? Stock can be gifted to ADL through your broker. Regardless of what your stock basis is, and the capital gain associated with the stock sale, you will NOT pay any tax on the sale of that stock if it is donated to ADL or a qualified charity. You will be recognized by ADL for the amount at the time of the sale as a donation. This can be a game changer for you and ADL!

If you missed the last month’s Messenger article on Planning for year-end giving – Part 1 (regarding RMDs and QCDs ) please click here and stay tuned for next month’s tips on Donor Advised Funds.

As always, please consult your accountant or financial advisor, for what’s best for you. If we at ADL can assist you and/or provide more information, please contact Susie Moss, Regional Director of Development at We appreciate you considering a year end gift to support the work we do to ensure justice and fair treatment to all!