Joanna Mendelson, Senior Investigative Researcher and Director of Special Projects for ADL’s Center on Extremism (R), and Kristin Bronson, Denver City Attorney (L), chat before a training on the “sovereign citizen” movement.
The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region provided training on the threats posed by white supremacists and anti-government adherents for several law enforcement and government agencies in August. Joanna Mendelson, Senior Investigative Researcher and Director of Special Projects for ADL’s Center on Extremism, conducted the trainings.
Mendelson conducted a training on Aug. 23 for nearly 100 individuals on the “sovereign citizen” movement. Since 2009, the anti-government extremist sovereign citizen movement has experienced a tremendous resurgence, growing in numbers and activity–including violent activity–across the Mountain States Region and United States. Staff from the Denver City Attorney’s Office, Denver District Attorney’s Office, Denver Municipal Court, Colorado Secretary of State’s Office and Denver Police Department participated in the training.
In addition, Mendelson conducted a training for officers with the Denver Police Department on anti-government extremists and white supremacists.