John Walsh, U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado, welcomes attendees at a security training for houses of worship in Pueblo on June 30.
The Anti-Defamation League has been recognized for decades as the leading expert in Jewish institutional security. In the aftermath of the horrific shootings at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and a historic black church in South Carolina, ADL has reached out to religious institutions across the United States to offer its expertise. In the past month alone, the Mountain States Region has provided trainings and resources to more than three dozen religious and communal institutions and more than 250 individuals across Colorado.
ADL Mountain States staff presented at security trainings in Pueblo on June 30 and in Grand Junction on July 6. The trainings were conducted in partnership with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Colorado. Each training also included presenters from local law enforcement agencies, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.
Local media covered both events. You may read more about the recent trainings in the Pueblo Chieftain and at Grand Junction’s Channel 11.
The trainings were the latest in a series that ADL has conducted in partnership with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the last year. Additional trainings have been conducted in the Metro-Denver area, Niwot, Colorado Springs and Windsor.
Because of ADL’s commitment to and expertise in Jewish institutional security, ADL created resources for all faith communities on issues of safety and security. Those resources include: Security Best Practices for Religious and Communal Institutions and Protecting Your Religious and Communal Institutions. All of the security and educational resources offered after the Charleston shooting can be accessed online.
For more information on security resources and trainings, contact Jeremy Shaver, Associate Regional Director, at jshaver@adl.org.