ADL Mountain States Region’s Director of Education Tara Raju conducts a training on bullying and cyberbulling for staff of the Mexican consulate in Colorado.
Photo courtesy of the Mexican consulate in Denver
The increase in hate crimes over the past two years has had a dramatic impact on a variety of communities, including the Jewish community and individuals from Mexico and Latin America. Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recognizing ADL’s expertise in dealing with hate of all kinds, has entered into a cooperative framework to provide assistance across the United States to people of Mexican heritage across the U.S. who are victims of discrimination, bigotry, bullying and hate crimes.
ADL’s professional staff has begun to deliver trainings in the Mountain States Region. In March, Senior Associate Director Jeremy Shaver conducted a training on hate crimes for staff members of the Mexican Consulate in Denver. The session was also attended by the Consuls General of El Salvador and Guatemala and the Deputy Consul General of Peru. In April, Director of Education Tara Raju conducted a training for consulate staff on bullying and cyberbullying.
ADL has committed to deliver trainings, workshops and seminars over the course of the next two years to staff in nearly all of the 50 Mexican consulates in the U.S. on topics including responding to hate crimes, hate groups, the anti-immigrant movement, bullying and cyberbullying.