The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region partnered with several Boulder Jewish institutions to provide security training after threatening letters were received by two of those institutions in April.
Representatives of Jewish Together Boulder, the Boulder Teen Initiative, the Boulder Jewish Community Center and congregations Bonai Shalom, Nevei Kodesh, Har HaShem, Bonai Shalom and Kehillat Orot Yisrael gathered for a two-hour training on May 14 led by Jeremy Shaver, ADL Assistant Regional Director. The training covered a variety of topics, including detecting surveillance of a Jewish institution, responding to threatening phone calls and handling suspicious mail or packages.
The training was in response to shared Jewish community concerns after the Boulder Jewish Community Center and Congregation Har HaShem received envelopes in April that contained white powder and threatening letters. Both institutions and law enforcement agencies responded immediately to the incidents. The powder was tested and determined not to be toxic. A suspect has been arrested in the incidents and the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office is exploring whether hate crimes charges will be added to the current charges.
In addition to providing the security training, ADL responded immediately to the incidents in April by providing assistance to the Boulder Jewish Community Center and Congregation Har HaShem and working closely with law enforcement agencies investigating the incidents.
For more information on security trainings for Jewish institutions, please call 303-830-7177.