ADL is pleased to announce that Susan Brody, ADL Mountain States Regional Board Member and National Commissioner, was installed as Regional Board Chair on June 9 at the organization’s annual meeting. Brody succeeds Elisa Moran in the role, following the completion of Moran’s two-year term. In her remarks at the event, Ms. Brody shared her deep commitment to ADL in general and social justice specifically, asserting a commitment to diversity and inclusion that will guide her term as chair.
Ms. Brody has been a valued member of ADL’s Regional Board with a deep commitment to ADL for 16 years and has chaired nearly every committee of the ADL board. Susan’s husband David is also a Associate National Commissioner, and both are legacy donors to ADL.
Among the many boards on which Susan has sat in addition to ADL are World Denver, The Japan America Society of Colorado, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, and Women in Film in America. She is the Founder and President of Family Legacies, Inc., which connects generations past, present and future by preserving life stories and family histories on feature film quality video. Her passion for peoples’ stories began as a small girl growing up in Montreal, where her community was filled with immigrants from all over the world. On top of all this, Susan speaks seven languages!
“Susan brings a great depth of knowledge and passion for ADL’s agenda to her new role as Regional Board Chair,” said Scott Levin, ADL Mountain States Regional Director. “She is truly committed to ADL’s mission. We are so fortunate to be the beneficiary of her time and energy.”
The meeting also featured remarks by Levin, outgoing Board Chair Elisa Moran, and ADL Board Members Stu Pack and Jennifer Shloss. Shloss, a co-chair of ADL’s Summer Associate Research Program, presented awards to the 2021 Summer Associate Research Program memo competition winners: Madeleine Considine, Austin Hartley and Marcia Levitan-Haffar, who were summer associates at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner; and Annie Liu and Steve Bruns, who were summer associates at Hogan Lovells. The program also featured inspiring remarks by keynote presenter Professor David Moran, who is a Clinical Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and is co-founder of the Michigan Innocence Clinic, which litigates the claims of actual innocence by prisoners in cases where DNA evidence is not available.
Additionally, 11 community members have been elected to ADL’s Regional Board of Directors. The new members are: Elise Barish, who has extensive volunteer leadership experience at organizations including National Jewish Health, the Staenberg-Loup JCC and the Melanoma Research Foundation; Erik Bernstein, Founder and Principal of Starwood Consulting, LLC, a consulting firm working with non-profits helping them to build capacity.; Robin Chalecki, President of the Emily Griffith Foundation and an independent consultant in the non-profit sector specializing in executive leadership, fund development and board governance; Anne Diamond, former media career professional and founder of the non-profit Safe Chicks to teach self-defense skills to senior high school girls entering college; Steve Ehrlich, retired Chief Deputy Clerk of the U.S. District Court and Adjunct Professor at DU’s College of Law; Gadi Eisner, Owner and Managing Partner of IS Art LLC, which brings to America high end artistic jewelry, religious items, and gifts produced by Israeli artisans; Kevin McKenzie, Director of Diversity Equity & Inclusion at Arc Thrift Stores; Art Reidel, a long-time engaged leader and supporter of ADL in San Francisco and nationally and currently a member of ADL’s National Commission and Global Advisory Council; Debbie Schwartz, a Senior Tax Associate at Alvarez & Marsal; Robert Schwartz, a medical doctor, the Goodstein Professor of Medicine/Geriatrics at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center and Director of the CU Medicine Senior Clinic at Kavod Senior Life; and, Peggy Warner, Children’s Hospital Colorado Chief Board Relations Officer.
“We are thrilled to welcome these new members of the Board, each of whom brings considerable skills, experience and talent to ADL,” said Susan Brody, ADL Mountain States Regional Board Chair.
Read more about our new board members here.