ADL is now accepting applications for a new Words to Action (WTA) Teen Internship, supported by a generous grant from Rose Community Foundation.
Words to Action: Empowering Students to Address Anti-Semitism, an interactive education program for middle, high school and college students, is designed to empower and equip teens and college students with constructive and effective responses to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in their own lives, online and on campus. WTA teen interns will work with ADL staff and WTA participants throughout the year both in the ADL Mountain States Regional Office and offsite at WTA trainings throughout the Denver/Boulder metro area.
ADL is looking for applicants who have demonstrated leadership capabilities and experience, are able to commit 5-10 hours per month during the school year, and are entering their sophomore or junior year of high school. ADL’s Words to Action Internship is an unpaid, volunteer position. The application deadline has been extended to September 27, 2019 and the program will start this fall.
To apply, please send a resume, cover letter and completed application to mountainstates@adl.org and write WTA Teen Internship in the subject line.