ADL Blog

ADL Announces the 2015 A Tribute to Moral Courage: Standing Up Against Injustice – Student Essay Winners

  ADL’s Mountain States Region proudly announces the 2015 winners of their Student Essay Contest – A Tribute to Moral Courage: Standing Up Against Injustice, generously underwritten by Greenberg Traurig’s Great Hearts and Great Minds Campaign. The winners were recognized and received their awards from ADL Board Member, Andy Gurrentz, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock and Governor John Hickenlooper at ADL’s 34th Annual Governor’s

ADL Helps Jewish Institutions Develop Security Plans

  In light of the recent shootings in France and Denmark, Jewish institutions around the globe are paying closer attention to security. In the last few weeks alone, more than a half-dozen Jewish institutions in the Denver area and Western Slope have reached out to the Anti-Defamation League’s Mountain States office for assistance in creating security plans.   “We believe

Mountain States Spotlight with Diana Zeff Anderson

Mountain States Regional Board Member Diana Zeff Anderson shares her passion for all things Israel and why she is a staunch supporter of ADL.   How are you involved with ADL? I have been a board member since I moved back to Colorado from Israel almost ten years ago. What do you do in your professional life? My current work

ADL Partners with AD Council on Love Has No Labels Anti-Bias Campaign

The Anti-Defamation League is proud to be one of a number of corporations and non-profits that have partnered to create the Ad Council’s new “Love Has No Labels” campaign. #LoveHasNoLabels is a public service communications effort to promote diversity, inclusion and acceptance.  It will be featured in public service announcements throughout the year in a variety of formats including social