Amy M. Stein, Community Director of ADL’s Boulder Office, will receive a 2011 Multicultural Award from Boulder County’s Community Action Programs on Thursday, October 6 at an evening banquet in Longmont.
The Multicultural Awards banquet, the first in the County to recognize the accomplishments of people of color, is now in its 23rd year of honoring leaders from diverse backgrounds in the fields of arts, business, community service, education, government, health, partners, science, and youth. Amy will receive an award in the partners category, as a white community member who works with people of color to promote social justice around race issues.
In addition to Amy’s work with ADL, she has also served as Chair of Boulder Human Relations Commission, on the Board of Directors of Congregation Bonai Shalom and the Boulder Jewish Community Foundation, and on various local government committees. She also has served on boards and committees of the University of Colorado-Boulder, the Boulder Valley School District and the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado.
Boulder County Community Action Programs (CAP) began in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” Today, CAP continues to advocate for, and help organize, programs that foster self-sufficiency for low-income people, particularly youth, families and people of color.
All proceeds from this event provide scholarships for low-income students. For more details, call 303.776.2000.