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Cyber Security Considerations In Wake of Anti-Semitic Flyers Sent to College Campuses and Businesses

Colleges and private businesses around the country, including at least one in Colorado, received anti-Semitic flyers blaming Jews for destroying the country “through mass immigration and degeneracy” and asked people to “join . . . in the struggle for global white supremacy.” Hacker Andrew Auernheimer (also known as Weev), an unabashed racist and anti-Semite, claimed credit for exploiting network printers

ADL Responds to Patty Limerick Regarding Academic Boycotts

In a recent letter to the Editor of the Denver Post, Mountain States ADL Director Scott Levin responds to Patty Limerick’s opinion piece concerning academic boycotts. The text of the letter follows.   Editor: Patty Limerick commendably rejects the resolution of the American Studies Association calling for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions (“Taking a stand on academic boycott,” Jan. 10).