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ADL Says CU Boulder Improves Response to Antisemitism While Other Colleges Struggle

DU and Colorado College appear on the ADL Campus Antisemitism Report Card for the first time.  Denver, March 3, 2025 – ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) gave 36% of schools, colleges, and universities an A or B in its 2025 Campus Antisemitism Report Card released today. The University of Colorado Boulder received a B, an improvement over the previous year. The

Over 200 Antisemitic Incidents Locally & 10,000 Antisemitic Incidents Recorded in the U.S. since Oct. 7, 2023, According to ADL Preliminary Data

Highest number of antisemitic incidents ever recorded by ADL in a one-year period. Denver, CO, October 7, 2024 … There have been more than 200 antisemitic incidents locally and 10,000 antisemitic incidents in the U.S. in the year since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel, according to ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) preliminary data. This is the highest number

Jewish Communal Organizations’ Statement on Anti-Israel Protests and Encampments

In light of increased protests and encampments at a number of Colorado colleges and universities including the Auraria Campus of Community College of Denver, CU Denver and Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado College, Colorado Mesa University, CSU-Fort Collins, CSU-Pueblo, CU Boulder, and the University of Denver, we the undersigned representatives of Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region, JEWISHcolorado, Jewish Community

ADL confronts antisemitism on college campuses

  Since October 7th, ADL has tracked a surge in antisemitic incidents on college and university campuses. In addition, 73% of Jewish college students surveyed have experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year alone. A plurality of Jewish college students reported that they do not feel physically safe on campus after October 7th,

Hate Crime Reports Surge Across Mountain States Region in 2019

  The number of reported hate crimes spiked in Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming in 2019, according to the FBI’s annual hate crime report released on Monday. In Colorado, the number of reported incidents increased by 74 percent between 2018 and 2019. In New Mexico, the increase was 79 percent. After zero incidents were reported in Wyoming in 2018, the