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UPDATED for Yom HaShoah 2024: Holocaust education and film resources

Tonight and tomorrow, May 5-6, 2024, is Holocaust Remembrance Day: Yom Ha’Shoah u’Gevurah. We invite you to explore these important educational and film resources and to share them with your friends, family members, colleagues and students. Never Again is NOW.   ADL’s 43rd Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program is on Wednesday, May 8 at 5:30 pm at Temple Emanuel in

Swastikas drawn on the arms and legs of middle school students

On April 28, a student at Campus Middle School in Cherry Creek School District allegedly drew swastikas on other students’ arms and legs. If that is not troubling enough, they did so after participating in a lesson about the Holocaust, the systematic murder of over six million Jews and five million others. Of the Jews that were killed, one and

ADL’s Holocaust Memorial Candelabra

  Have you ever wondered about the unique candelabra lit each year at ADL’s Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program? Created by Colorado artist Barbara Patrick, the candelabra was chosen as the winner of a contest to create such a piece in the 1990s. It has been displayed at the Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program every year since. David Fell & Company, Inc. completed

WATCH: View all 7 videos in Antisemitism Uncovered series

With antisemitism at the highest levels seen in decades, ADL has created the powerful new Antisemitism Uncovered video series to help explain and combat the most prevalent antisemitic myths that have spread for centuries and still drive anti-Jewish hate today. New to the series is an alarming and insightful video about how anti-Zionism can fuel antisemitism. The entire series of