Blog Archives

ADL confronts antisemitism on college campuses

  Since October 7th, ADL has tracked a surge in antisemitic incidents on college and university campuses. In addition, 73% of Jewish college students surveyed have experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year alone. A plurality of Jewish college students reported that they do not feel physically safe on campus after October 7th,

UPDATED for Yom HaShoah 2024: Holocaust education and film resources

Tonight and tomorrow, May 5-6, 2024, is Holocaust Remembrance Day: Yom Ha’Shoah u’Gevurah. We invite you to explore these important educational and film resources and to share them with your friends, family members, colleagues and students. Never Again is NOW.   ADL’s 43rd Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program is on Wednesday, May 8 at 5:30 pm at Temple Emanuel in

Israel’s War with Hamas: Resources for Students, Teachers, Parents and Families

  At this challenging time, many people are asking: how can I help my student understand what is happening and how to respond? ADL is here with resources for educators and families to assist with your conversations. For the largest collection of resources, visit our landing page: Report antisemitic or other bias incidents to:  NEW: Countering Campus Antisemitism

Secure A Lasting Legacy

Legacy giving offers donors a way to protect the organizations and communities they love, while making a profound impact on future generations through a gift that will keep giving in perpetuity. Leaving a contribution to the Anti-Defamation League in your will is a wonderful way to help ensure its future for years to come without impacting your annual giving. These funds help sustain

The December Dilemma: Holiday Guidelines for Public Schools and Public Spaces

As the winter holidays approach, school administrators and teachers face the challenge of planning holiday programs and activities within and outside the classroom that demonstrate a respect for students of all faiths and religious beliefs. Civic officials similarly may face difficult questions about the placement of religious displays on public property. While acknowledging the December holiday season, it’s important to