Blog Archives

ADL Board Member Alan Frosh Honored with Daniel R. Ginsberg Leadership Award at ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC

  Alan Frosh, a member of the Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Regional Board and co-chair of ADL’s Robert B. Sturm Leadership Fellows Program, was honored on May 6, 2018 with the Daniel R. Ginsberg Leadership Award at ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. The Leadership Award is given each year to outstanding young professionals for their leadership in the

ADL Mountain States Summer Associate Research Program Celebrates the Start of its Eleventh Year

Judge Allison Eid of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Court was the keynote speaker at the opening reception on June 7 to kick off the 2018 Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Summer Associate Research Program. Judge Eid shared her personal story and insights into her remarkable judicial career with the three dozen attorneys and summer associates

Meet the Interns!

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region would like to acknowledge and thank our three spring and summer interns who are dedicating their time, energy and creativity to assisting with ADL activities and projects. Benjamin Cohen Ben Cohen, ADL’s Spring 2018 intern, has just completed his first year at the University of Denver where he is a History and Psychology double