Blog Archives

Mountain States Spotlight with Board Member Sara Zessar

ADL Mountain States Region Board Member Sara Zessar is passionate about helping students make the best college choices possible for themselves. She is also passionate about the mission of the Anti-Defamation League.   How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? I first became involved in the ADL by participating in the Glass Leadership Institute (now

Back2School Campaign August 16-23!

It’s that time of year when students are heading back to school! This time of year reminds us of backpacks and books, pens and pencils, all the preparation for an exciting year ahead. But will students have the most important thing: a school that is respectful, safe and free from bullying?  Join ADL’s anti-bias, anti-bullying initiative, No Place for Hate®,

Meet the Interns!

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region would like to acknowledge and thank the three interns who are dedicating their time, energy and creativity this summer to assisting with ADL activities and projects. Isabelle Aboaf is thrilled to be working with ADL this summer. Born and raised in Colorado, Isabelle will be attending Cornell University in Ithaca, NY this fall to

Apply to Become a Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellow!

  The 2016-2017 Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program year reached its exciting conclusion with a festive graduation ceremony held on June 21, 2017 at the law offices of Greenberg Traurig. Regional Director Scott L. Levin offered the keynote presentation. The Fellows had an opportunity to explore what leadership means to them, and most importantly, to begin identifying