Blog Archives

Cyber Security Considerations In Wake of Anti-Semitic Flyers Sent to College Campuses and Businesses

Colleges and private businesses around the country, including at least one in Colorado, received anti-Semitic flyers blaming Jews for destroying the country “through mass immigration and degeneracy” and asked people to “join . . . in the struggle for global white supremacy.” Hacker Andrew Auernheimer (also known as Weev), an unabashed racist and anti-Semite, claimed credit for exploiting network printers

ADL Honors Educational Activitsts Carlotta Walls LaNier and Noel and Leslie Ginsburg at February 24 Civil Rights Awards

    ADL’s 2016 Civil Rights Awards Reception on February 24 honored community leaders Leslie and Noel Ginsburg and Carlotta Walls LaNier, a member of the Little Rock Nine, for their work to advance educational access and opportunity for all students. The reception was attended by over 150 guests and took place at Ponti Hall at the Denver Art Museum.

Gerald M. Quiat Delegates to ADL National Youth Leadership Mission Share Reflections, Projects

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is proud to have 10 high school juniors as Gerald M. Quiat Delegates to ADL’s National Youth Leadership Mission.  This diverse group of students from across Colorado participates in a year-long program that included a trip to Washington, D.C. this past November.  Delegates joined with an incredibly diverse group of students from around the

Mountain States Spotlight with ADL Board Member Cheri Rubin

Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Regional Board Member Cheri Rubin discusses her passions for music, dance, family and being involved with ADL.   How did you first become involved in the ADL? How are you involved now?  ADL Regional Director Scott Levin, Regional Board Member and Past Board Chair Stu Pack and his wife Robin Pack served as ADL representatives on