Blog Archives

ADL Mountain States Region Welcomes Assistant Development Director Jodi Levine

The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is pleased to welcome Jodi Levine as Assistant Director of Development for the regional office. Prior to joining ADL, Jodi worked for Gamma Phi Beta International Sorority, Inc. as the Volunteer Relations Coordinator and previously as the Teen/BBYO Program Director in Omaha, Nebraska. Jodi is a graduate of The University of Kansas in Lawrence,

Mountain States Spotlight with Board Member Ean Seeb

  On his 40th birthday, Mountain States ADL board member Ean Seeb shares why he’s passionate about civil rights – including those that are green in nature.   How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? I first became involved with ADL when I went to a four-course dinner for $36 held at an upscale

ADL offers security resources, trainings in wake of Charleston shooting

    In the days and weeks after the horrific shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, the Anti-Defamation League reached out to religious and communal institutions across the United States to offer security trainings and resources. In the past several weeks, the Mountain States Region has provided trainings and resources to more than three dozen religious and communal institutions

Know Your Rights! School and Workplace Accommodations for the Jewish High Holidays

Know Your Rights and Obligations Every fall, students and employees who observe the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (“High Holidays”) must resolve scheduling conflicts resulting from their concurrent religious obligations and school or work responsibilities. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) firmly believes that to create welcoming and respectful school and workplace environments, diligent efforts should be made

August congressional visits focus on Iran, voting rights

    Although members of Congress were on summer break in August, ADL Mountain States Board members were busy meeting with members of Colorado’s congressional delegation on several critical issues.   ADL Mountain States Board members met with Congressman Mike Coffman, Congresswoman Diana DeGette, Congressman Doug Lamborn, Congressman Ed Perlmutter, and Congressman Jared Polis. Board members also met with local