Blog Archives

ADL Mountain States Summer Associate Research Program Celebrates the Start of its Eighth Year

  Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey was the keynote speaker at the opening reception on May 27, 2015 to kick off the 2015 Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Summer Associate Research Program. Mr. Morrissey shared his personal story and insights into his remarkable career in law and public service with the two dozen attorneys and summer associates in attendance. The reception

ADL Welcomes Summer Intern

    The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is pleased to welcome Anderson Muse as our summer intern. Muse is a recent graduate of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver where he earned his Master of Arts in International Security.   Muse, who hails from North Carolina, will engage in a wide variety of

Mountain States Spotlight with Diana Zeff Anderson

Mountain States Regional Board Member Diana Zeff Anderson shares her passion for all things Israel and why she is a staunch supporter of ADL.   How are you involved with ADL? I have been a board member since I moved back to Colorado from Israel almost ten years ago. What do you do in your professional life? My current work

ADL Civil Rights Awards Given to Former Speaker Terrance Carroll and Senator Pat Steadman

Over 175 civic leaders and community members gathered on January 28th at the Denver Art Museum to honor former Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives Terrance Carroll and Senator Pat Steadman at the Anti-Defamation League – Mountain States Region’s 33rd annual Civil Rights Awards Reception. Terrance Carroll is a lawyer and ordained minister, and served as the 54th Speaker