Blog Archives

ADL Summer Associate Research Program Continuing for a Seventh Year in Denver

ADL’s Summer Associate Research Program provides law firm summer associates the opportunity to complete pro bono legal research projects on cutting edge civil rights issues while furthering the mission of the Anti-Defamation League. 2014 is the seventh year of the program in Denver.  Under the direction of a supervising attorney, each summer associate researches an assigned topic and provides a memorandum to ADL. All

Be the First to Know the Results

This monumental study on anti-Semitism, known as the ADL Global 100™, consists of interviews with over 53,000 respondents in 96 languages, covering 88.4% of the world’s adult population. Be among the first to learn the results. Learn more and sign up now. //

ADL Announces Student Essay Contest Winners – A Tribute to Moral Courage: Standing Up Against Injustice

  The Mountain States Regional Office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is proud to announce the winners of their Student Essay Contest – A Tribute to Moral Courage: Standing Up Against Injustice. Using the Holocaust as a backdrop, middle and high school students were asked to write about an individual who demonstrated moral courage, how that person’s actions had an

ADL Opposes Criminalizing Cyberbullying

On March 28, 2014, Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Regional Director Scott L. Levin sent a letter regarding HB14-1131, “A Bill for An Act Concerning Harassment Against A Minor By Using An Interactive Computer Service,” or cyberbullying, to the members of the Colorado State Senate Judiciary Committee. The letter objected to the criminal penalties for cyberbullying contained in the bill. In his

ADL’s No Place for Hate® Imagine A World Without Hate Student Art Contest

  ADL is proud to announce the winners of the No Place for Hate® Imagine A World Without Hate Student Art Contest. Open to the 2013-2014 No Place for Hate schools, elementary, middle and high school students submitted original artwork to convey their vision of a world without prejudice.  Students were asked to create art that illustrated building bridges of