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Making Personal Connections to History wins ADL’s 2018 A Tribute to Moral Courage Essay Contest

  Six students connected the past with their present. They found lessons in those that exemplified moral courage and the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region is proud to recognize all six student winners, their families and teachers, at the 37th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program on April 24, 2018.  These skilled student writers  rose to the top of almost 250 essays submitted

ADL’s No Place for Hate® – 2017-2018 Student Art Contest Winners Display their Artistry and Activism

ADL is proud to announce the winners of the No Place for Hate® Student Art Contest, a visual arts contest, open to the Mountain States Region’s 2017-2018 No Place for Hate schools. It was an opportunity for elementary, middle and high school students to submit original 2D artwork to convey his/her vision of a world without prejudice through art that

ADL National Youth Leadership Mission Allows High School Juniors to Dive into the Past, Connect it to Today and Plan for the Future

  Ten high school juniors from Colorado were selected to be The Gerald M. Quiat Delegates to ADL’s 20th Annual Grosfeld Family National Youth Leadership Mission to Washington, D.C.   The students embarked on a journey with ADL to apply lessons learned from the Holocaust to their own lives and lead the fight against bigotry and hate in their respective communities. These ten student

Students Engage with ADL’s No Place for Hate Initiative at Murphy Creek P-8

  The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region’s No Place for Hate(R) Initiative is designed to rally an entire school around the goal of creating a welcoming community committed to stopping all forms of bias and bullying. This year, 59 schools in the region are participating. For the past eight years, Murphy Creek P-8 has operated as a No Place for Hate school, affirming the