Blog Archives

2017 ADL’s Essay Winners Link the Past with their Present

  ADL was proud to recognize all six student winners, their families and teachers, at the 36th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program on April 25, 2017.  These skilled student writers connected those that exemplified moral courage from the past with their present realities, learning from the lessons that have been left for all of us. These six students’ essays from Lovell,

Mountain States Spotlight with ADL Board Member Leslie Karotkin

ADL Mountain States Region Board Member Leslie Karotkin shares her passions for philanthropy, education, justice, and the Anti-Defamation League. How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now? My maternal grandparents were very involved with ADL and B’nai B’rith (locally in Texas and internationally), and so I feel that I have been aware of the organization

How do we react to hate?

How do we react to hate? In the March 24, 2017 edition of the Intermountain Jewish News, Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Regional Board Chair Jim Kurtz-Phelan explains in his “Lively Opinion” column that we do not wait.         We are not waiting to see whether troubles may or may not occur in the future.  We are not waiting

How Do Students Imagine A World Without Hate? Announcing the 2016-2017 Art Contest Winners

    This winter, eight judges from the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region’s Education Committee had the very difficult task of acting as art critics, choosing winners from over 200 entries in ADL’s 2016-2017 Imagine A World Without Hate® Student Art Contest. The contest is open to students in grades K-12 attending 2016-2017 No Place For Hate® schools across Colorado.