Blog Archives

Mountain States Spotlight: Kristin McCandless

ADL board member Kristin McCandless talks about justice, teaching, and tennis. How did you first become involved in ADL?  Friends of mine who are long time ADL supporters started inviting me to ADL programs like the Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program and the annual Civil Rights Award Luncheon.  I was always so moved by these events and wanted to learn more

Mountain States Spotlight: Monica Rosenbluth

We recently sat down with Monica Rosenbluth, a Mountain States ADL board member, No Place for Hate® program liaison and attorney to talk about kids, civil rights, and her insatiable sweet tooth.   How are you involved with ADL? I went through the Glass Partners-in-Leadership program about 10 years ago, then participated in the mentorship program as a mentee, and was

Alison Weir: Background Information

Alison Weir has established herself as a prominent voice in the anti-Israel movement. She frames the Jewish State as a violent aggressor in the region and charges that the United States, through its aid, is the driving force behind this aggression. Weir claims that not only does Israel brutalize the Palestinians, but through its intimidation tactics, it corrupts the American

In A World of Hate, You Can Create A Legacy of Hope

A legacy gift to the Anti-Defamation League Foundation’s Legacy Endowment Campaign – Funding for the Future can help ADL remain vital, vigorous and able to carry out its critical mission far into the future, even in the most difficult times. Many legacy gift options may also provide you and your loved ones with attractive benefits such as tax savings and