Blog Archives

Forty-five Schools Earn Designation as No Place for Hate®

The Mountain States Office of the Anti-Defamation League designated forty-five schools from across Colorado as No Place for Hate® after the schools completed a year-long effort to create equitable, safe and respectful environments.  Schools from Denver, Aurora, Boulder, Fort Collins, Nederland, Greeley, Cherry Creek, Colorado Springs, and Durango attended the designation ceremony in Aurora on April 11. It takes hard

Wilma Webb, Bobbie Towbin to Receive ADL Civil Rights Awards

The Anti-Defamation League’s Mountain States Office announced today that it will present its 2012 Civil Rights Awards to Hon. Wilma Webb, former Colorado Representative and Denver First Lady, and Bobbie Towbin, former ADL Senior Regional Associate Director, at a reception on February 16, 2012. “Both Wilma Webb and Bobbie Towbin spent their careers working for civil rights and respect for

ADL Cosponsors Community Briefing on Palestinian Statehood Proposal at United Nations

The Anti-Defamation League, along with several other community organizations, sponsored a community briefing on September 25, 2011 regarding the prospects for peace in light of the unilateral Palestinian initiative to have the United Nations declare a Palestinian state. ADL Regional Director Scott Levin was a featured speaker before the over 300 people in attendance.  In addition to explaining the reasons

Boulder County to honor ADL Community Director Amy Stein

Amy M. Stein, Community Director of ADL’s Boulder Office, will receive a 2011 Multicultural Award from Boulder County’s Community Action Programs on Thursday, October 6 at an evening banquet in Longmont. The Multicultural Awards banquet, the first in the County to recognize the accomplishments of people of color, is now in its 23rd year of honoring leaders from diverse backgrounds

USAFA Basic Cadets Receive Training on Religious Respect

For the second consecutive year, basic cadets entering the United States Air Force Academy received training on religious respect and the First Amendment. New this year was a session at which cadets discussed scenarios drawn from real-life examples, offering them the opportunity to explore issues of religious accommodation, confronting stereotypes, and creating a culture of religious respect. The curriculum was