Blog Archives

UPDATED: Holocaust education and film resources

  Holocaust Remembrance Day: Yom Ha’Shoah u’Gevurah is on April 23-24, 2025. We invite you to explore these important educational and film resources and to share them with your friends, family members, colleagues and students. Never Again is NOW.   ADL’s 44th Annual Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program is on Wednesday, April 23 at 5:30 pm at Temple Emanuel in Denver,

NEW! Antisemitism Education Resources for Teachers, Staff, School Leaders, Parents and Students – Including on Campus

  In anticipation of the 2024-25 school year, ADL has launched several new and updated resources to support educators, students and their families, particularly in the event that antisemitic incidents occur.  Because ADL has tracked a significant rise in antisemitic incidents across the country,  we wanted to preemptively offer these resources in the event you are faced with antisemitism this

ADL Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program Archive & Videos

For over 35 years, ADL and Colorado’s Governor have honored the memory and history of the Holocaust, through ADL’s Governor’s Holocaust Remembrance Program. This free community gathering is one way our region connects the past with the present and our hopes for the future. Directly below is a short video explaining the importance of continuing these events, followed by links

ADL Mountain States Expresses Concern about Antisemitism at Colorado College

The ADL Mountain States Region sent a letter to Colorado College administrators on May 17 in response to a letter sent to the Colorado College Community on May 16 from the Office of the President. ADL Mountain States Regional Director, Scott Levin, expressed concern about the administration’s capitulation to protesters on campus. He also stated ADL’s concern about reported incidents

Jewish Communal Organizations’ Statement on Anti-Israel Protests and Encampments

In light of increased protests and encampments at a number of Colorado colleges and universities including the Auraria Campus of Community College of Denver, CU Denver and Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado College, Colorado Mesa University, CSU-Fort Collins, CSU-Pueblo, CU Boulder, and the University of Denver, we the undersigned representatives of Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region, JEWISHcolorado, Jewish Community