ADL 2023 Sturm Fellows Graduates, L-R: Back Row: Daniel Steinhauser, Valerie Cassano, Emma Lucero, Caroline Seman, Jonathan Maislin; Front Row: Amy Weinbaum, program chair and ADL Board Member Tamara Berkman, ADL Senior Associate Regional Director Sue Parker Gerson, Alyssa Miller, Ben Price and Ross Glasser.
Congratulations to the nine members of the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) 2023 Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program who graduated on September 6, 2023: Valerie Cassano, Ross Glasser, Emma Lucero, Jonathan Maislin, Alyssa Miller, Ben Price, Daniel Steinhauser, Amy Weinbaum and Caroline Seman.
The nine-month Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program, part of ADL’s Glass Leadership Institute, is a nationally recognized leadership development program that provides participants with an insider’s perspective on ADL as one of the nation’s leading anti-hate organizations. The program was created to involve people, ages approximately 25-45, who are committed to ADL’s mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” We are grateful to philanthropist Robert B. Sturm, whose generous funding supports the program. Thanks also go to ADL Regional Board Member Tamara Berkman for chairing the program.
From January through September, participants engaged with ADL experts and community leaders in interactive sessions covering the full range of issues on ADL’s agenda, including antisemitism, civil rights and advocacy, education, cyberhate and abuse, international affairs and extremism. Participants had the opportunity to attend ADL’s National Leadership Summit where they lobbied Colorado state legislators on ADL’s legislative priorities.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Sturm Fellows Cohort through December 15, 2023.
Learn more about the program here.
Apply here: Application Form
Nominate an applicant here: Nomination form