Susan Brody, ADL Board Chair Elect
The community is cordially invited to join the ADL Mountain States Region for the 2022 Annual Meeting. The free event will be held on June 9, 2022 at 7:00 pm with both in-person and remote options. The in-person event will take place at Temple Emanuel, 51 Grape Street, Denver, CO and will be followed by a dessert reception. If you attend in person, you are confirming that you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
Join ADL as we welcome incoming board members, thank our outgoing Regional Board Chair Elisa Moran, install our incoming Regional Board Chair Susan Brody, and hear from keynote speaker Professor David A. Moran. We will also present awards to the 2021 Summer Associate Research Program Memo Competition winners.
Professor Moran is a Clinical Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and is co-founder of the Michigan Innocence Clinic, which litigates the claims of innocence by prisoners in cases where DNA evidence is not available.
We hope you will join us!