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Invest Today, Secure Tomorrow

  • May 29, 2015

Secure a hate-free tomorrow! By including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in your wills or other legacy planning, you can ensure that we will continue to fight bigotry, hatred and anti-Semitism for future generations. There are many flexible ways to invest in the future of ADL that also can help you achieve your financial and personal goals today.

Many of our Board Members understand the importance of legacy planning.  For example, ADL Board Member Stuart Pack and his wife Robin Pack have chosen to make a legacy gift through their IRA because, in their words, “It is important to invest in a hate-free world for our children and future generations. A legacy gift to ADL was a natural choice for us.”

There is no other organization like ADL. Together, we must sustain ADL’s efforts into the future so that the world is a respectful, inclusive place for our families and communities. Like the Packs, by contributing to the future of ADL, you can invest in vital education, training and advocacy that will impact millions for generations to come.

For more information, call 303-830-7177.