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Last Chance to get your tickets for April 6th No Place for Hate® Celebration Breakfast!

  • March 13, 2017





The No Place for Hate Celebration Breakfast is coming up on April 6th and your last chance to purchase tickets is rapidly approaching!

Schools should be safe havens. Right now, many students are scared, anxious and feeling threatened. The Mountain States Region of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Mountain States Region is hearing from students and educators who are encountering hostile, hateful environments in their schools and communities, such as racist graffiti, “build the wall” chants, headscarves being torn off and swastikas drawn on lockers. We are flooded with reports of hate speech and hateful images directed at students in our region. Youth are hearing that they are not welcome in their schools or even in the country they call home. The numerous hate incidences occurring across the nation and in our own backyards can leave us feeling discouraged and distraught.

The No Place for Hate Celebration Breakfast is a perfect opportunity to renew your hope that there are communities working to fight hate and create inclusive schools. The No Place for Hate Initiative is an educational program of ADL teaching children how to be allies, stand up to bullying behavior, and show compassion and care for those around them. At the Breakfast, you will have a chance to meet and talk to students actively engaged with the No Place for Hate program in their schools. Banners like those given to sports teams for their achievements will be given to each participating No Place for Hate school that completed all of its requirements for the year. In addition, winners of the Imagine A World Without Hate® Student Art Contest will be recognized for their incredible talent. The artwork will be on display for you to enjoy.

We welcome you to celebrate with us and help us fulfill ADL’s commitment to a shared sense of responsibility and vision to guarantee that all schools are safe and inclusive, where every child is treated with respect and no one stands alone when opposing hate. “This program was a big relief for me,” said a participating student. “I feel like I can relate with [being bullied] a lot, and it made me feel welcomed and important.”

Recently, a student had this to say about the program, “I appreciate the [No Place for Hate] trainer for coming and making a change in us, so we can make an even bigger change in the world.” Another student noted, “Try to go to as many schools as possible, and keep doing everything you are doing!” Your support and attendance at this event enables ADL to continue the important and needed work in Colorado schools as well as expand to additional districts.

Join us at this event and be inspired by these incredible students during this time of increased hate. RSVP today at