NAACP National President Cornell William Brooks in Colorado Springs on January 24, 2015
ADL Mountain States Assistant Director Jeremy Shaver represented the Anti-Defamation League at an NAACP Unity Luncheon with NAACP National President Cornell William Brooks on January 24. The luncheon was part of a weekend of events with Dr. Brooks in Colorado Springs after an explosion outside the NAACP Colorado Springs office earlier this month.
Reflects Shaver:
“The Unity Luncheon was a truly inspiring event and I was honored to represent ADL. Several individuals approached me after the event and thanked the ADL for its support. The NAACP was founded in 1909, just a few years before ADL. The event was a reminder why we do the work we do.”
The Anti-Defamation League condemned the targeting of NAACP’s Colorado Springs office in a press release shortly after the incident, with ADL Regional Director Scott Levin noting:
“Incidents like these have an impact far beyond the victims of the crime. We commend local and federal law enforcement authorities for acting swiftly and for investigating all possible motives for the incident, including investigating the incident as a potential act of domestic terrorism and/or a possible hate crime.”