Andrew and Emily Rubin with their son
In this month’s Spotlight, ADL Board Member Andrew Rubin shares why he is passionate about his family, about philanthropic investing, and the timeless work of ADL.
How did you first become involved in ADL? How are you involved now?
In college, I was an intern for the ADL Arizona office. I had been debating between law school and rabbinic school, and my Hillel Rabbi thought ADL would be a good way of seeing a bit of both worlds. I reconnected with ADL in Denver through the Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows program in 2013. I am now a regional board member, past co-chair of the Sturm Fellows, and a founding co-chair of the NextGen360 program.
What do you do in your professional life?
I am a public finance and tax attorney at Greenberg Traurig. I help local governments and Indian tribes get essential funding for the infrastructure and economic development that enables communities to thrive.
Where were you born? From where do your ancestors hail?
I was born in Texas and grew up in California. My parents and my sisters grew up in New York. In the old country, my family is from a small town in Poland called Goworowo.
What’s your favorite food?
What are you reading?
Watching You, a thriller by Michael Robotham.
What’s a special place you have visited?
My elementary school did an exchange program with a school in Epinal, France. It’s a beautiful town, and it’s also the home of the color comic strip.
What teacher or class stands out to you the most in your education and why?
In college, I took a class called “Ritual, Symbol, Myth.” It was fascinating to learn about the stories that underpin each religion and show the roots of each belief system.
What are you passionate about personally? What can’t you stop talking about?
I am passionate about impact investing. It’s important to use our money for good. It can be through direct philanthropy, and it can also be done with our investment dollars by investing in small business that don’t have access to traditional funding.
Where can we find you when you’re not working?
At home, with my wife Emily and our new son Abraham. We enjoy spending as much time with him as we can. We also love going to the Colorado Symphony.
Why do you choose to make a financial investment in ADL?
From anti-bullying programming in schools to hate crimes legislation, the ADL’s work has a tangible impact that makes our communities better and more inclusive.
Complete this sentence: For me, the ADL is …
…a light making the world a better, safer and more just place.