ADL Mountain States Regional Director Scott Levin dispels false comparison of Gaza and Ferguson in the Boulder Daily Camera

  • January 5, 2015

In a letter to the Editor of the Boulder Daily Camera submitted in response to a “Guest Opinion” that falsely equated the tragedies in Ferguson, New York and elsewhere to the situation for Palestinians in Gaza, Anti-Defamation League Regional Director Scott L. Levin writes:


Ida Audeh’s guest opinion falsely equates the deaths of Palestinians killed in this summer’s conflict in Gaza with the deaths of those killed in altercations with police in the U.S. The alarming statistics cited by Audeh related to the incarceration and deaths of people of color stand on their own and cannot be compared with Israel’s responses to terrorist violence.

Israel engaged in a defensive war in Gaza following daily rocket attacks targeting Israel’s civilian population by a terrorist organization indiscriminately firing rockets from schools, hospitals, homes and mosques. Palestinian casualties were lamented by both sides and it is important to note the extraordinary measures Israel took to limit casualties to civilians put in harm’s way by Hamas. To compare this to the situation in Ferguson is inappropriate and fails to illuminate the important issues of race that remain unresolved in this country.

Audeh also spoke out against proposed legislation in Israel that would identify Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People. The Anti-Defamation League has publicly stated that this legislation is unnecessary. Israel’s Declaration of Independence and other legal instruments have provided for its Jewish and democratic character since the country was founded. They make clear that Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, and that equal rights and protections are granted to all citizens regardless of their religion. Audeh fails to acknowledge that the rights of Christians, Muslims and other minority populations in Israel are greater than those of minority populations in any other country in the Middle East.

We certainly agree there is more work to be done in the U.S. to end discrimination. By using the very real problems of race in the U.S. for her own political purposes, Audeh does a disservice to those in this country who are marginalized.

Scott L. Levin

Regional Director, Anti-Defamation League
