In September, The Colorado School Safety Resource Center (CSSRC), The Colorado Legacy Foundation and The Colorado Department of Education hosted four Bullying Prevention Institutes across the state at which the Anti-Defamation League was asked participate alongside them, together with One Colorado and Facing History and Ourselves. ADL presented in Steamboat Springs, Glenwood Springs, Alamosa and Salida, reaching over 200 educators, counselors, administrators and school resource officers. The rich and meaningful discussions with participants gave ADL an opportunity to discuss the intersection of bullying and bias with school representatives from over 21 counties around the state.
Topics included Colorado’s new bullying prevention legislation, best practices regarding bullying prevention, building blocks for creating a positive school climate, how to measure school climate, Cyberbullying and preventing bullying based on race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability. Participants were particularly interested in ADL’s expertise with special populations and Colorado’s hate crimes legislation.
Past Institutes have taken place in Pueblo, Montrose, Thornton, Aurora and Denver. The next Bullying Prevention Institutes are being planned for February 2014. ADL will be present working together with these other state-wide agencies to ensure schools in Colorado are equipped to serve all their students, staff and families, creating school environments that are inclusive and safe.