Every year, Jews who observe the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have to deal with conflicts between their religious practice and school or work duties. This year,
- Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday, Sept. 20, and ends at sundown on Friday, Sept. 22
- Yom Kippur begins at sundown on Friday, Sept. 29, and ends at sundown on Saturday, Sept. 30
As a long-time religious freedom advocate for all Americans, ADL believes that Jews should not have to choose between observing the High Holidays and their school or work obligations. Accommodating those who observe is not only the right thing for schools and employers to do, it is often legally required. Students and employees seeking accommodations have obligations, too.
To inform and empower those that observe the High Holidays, ADL has issued School & Workplace Accommodations for the Jewish High Holidays: Know Your Rights and Obligations.
We also provide educators with background about the High Holidays and send letters to schools and educators in our region, alerting them to the High Holiday schedule and advising them about the importance of excusing students from school on those days, without penalty.
To learn more about your rights and obligations regarding religious accommodation in school and at work, or to report a concern, contact the Mountain States ADL office.