ADL Colorado supporters have the opportunity to give where they live on Colorado Gives Day and support the Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region! Now more than ever, we know that ADL’s mission to stand up and speak out against anti-Semitism, racism and all forms of hate is absolutely necessary. On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, join thousands of donors who are coming together to support the ADL and other Colorado nonprofits on Colorado Gives Day. Colorado Gives Day makes it easy to support ADL’s vital work through its donation page at https://www.coloradogives.org/ADL.
Thanks to Community First Foundation and First Bank, Colorado Gives Day features a $1 Million Incentive Fund, one of the largest gives-day incentive funds in the country. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the Incentive Fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated.
Don’t want to wait for December 5 to help us stop hate? Go online today to schedule your donation early! Now more than ever, your support is needed!