On Tuesday, December 6, 2016, thousands of donors will come together to support Colorado nonprofits like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Check out ADL’s donation page and give where you live on Colorado Gives Day. Your support helps the Mountain States Region continue our timeless mission to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all. Last year, 123,865 Coloradans made an astonishing show of support for 2,008 local nonprofits, including ADL, donating a record-breaking $28.5 million in just 24 hours.
Thanks to Community First Foundation and First Bank, Colorado Gives Day features a $1 Million Incentive Fund, one of the largest gives-day incentive funds in the country. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of the Incentive Fund, which increases the value of every dollar donated. In addition, all credit card processing fees are waived for donations made on the Colorado Gives Day website, ensuring that 100% of your gift is used to benefit ADL. So, it is a perfect way for you to make your year-end donation.
Don’t want to wait for December 6 to help us stop hate? Go online today to pre-schedule your gift. Once you set up your donation, just click the button that says “schedule a donation” and your gift will be automatically entered on Colorado Gives Day. Thank you so much for your support!