School Voucher Defeat A Win For Religious Freedom

  • July 3, 2015

In a letter submitted to the Denver Post, Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Regional Director Scott L. Levin writes:


The Denver Post got it wrong when it criticized the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Douglas County school voucher program as unconstitutional. The voucher program raised serious questions about religious freedom.


The voucher program channeled taxpayer dollars to schools founded upon religious indoctrination, something the plain language of the Colorado Constitution prohibits.  Many schools accepted in the program have policies that allow for discrimination in their admission and hiring practices against students and faculty who do not comport with religious beliefs required by the schools.


The Court’s decision has closed the door to the potential of school districts throughout the state sending millions of taxpayer dollars to private religious schools.  Let us be clear: families have the constitutional right to choose the school that is best suited for their child, including a religious school; they just do not have the right for government to pay for it.