Pictured L to R: Amanda Shatzman (ADL Regional Board Member and Sturm Fellows co-chair), Gila Goldstein, Alyson Dinkin, Rebecca Dubroff, Amanda Blaurock, Aaron Pinsker, Joe Dubroff, Lisa Zelinger Cohen, Scott Levin (ADL Regional Director), Dan Elliott, Alexis Gabel, Asha Holsopple (ADL Associate Director of Development), Dustin Tucker, Maria Trujillo, Neta Meltzer
Not pictured: Joe Brucker, Hilary Deutch, Megan Dwyer, Sophie Greenfield, Leorah Young (ADL Regional Board Member and Sturm Fellows co-chair)
Sixteen members of ADL’s 2018-19 Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program graduated on June 19. The evening began with members of the class sharing their enthusiasm at becoming involved in ADL’s critical work fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry and which, for several of the graduates, included participation in ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Regional Director Scott L. Levin spoke about the importance of leadership, challenging the graduates to find and emulate role models who embody the values important to them.
The Glass Leadership Institute (locally known as the Robert B. Sturm Mountain States Leadership Fellows Program) is a nationally recognized leadership development program that provides participants with an insider’s perspective on one of the nation’s leading civil rights and anti-hate organization. Once a month, participants meet with ADL experts and partners to engage in interactive sessions covering the full range of issues on the ADL agenda. Participants implement their new-found knowledge and skills at the National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C.
Highlights from the past year include:
- Lectures by ADL experts on topics such as hate in America, civil rights and anti-bias education in schools.
- A chance to rub elbows with ADL’s local leadership at both formal and informal gatherings.
- Lobbying state legislators at the Capitol during the National Leadership Summit.
Applications are due by August 1 for the 2019-2020 program year.