Carl Chinn, President of the Faith-Based Security Network, leads a discussion on intentional safety preparedness at the Dec. 5 security seminar.
The Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region hosted a security seminar in partnership with JEWISHcolorado on December 5 to help Jewish institutions review safety and security procedures after the attack on Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. More than 50 representatives from 28 different Jewish institutions along Colorado’s Front Range participated in the training at BMH-BJ Synagogue in Denver.
The training featured a keynote presentation on intentional safety preparedness by Carl Chinn, President of the Faith-Based Security Network. In addition, a panel of law enforcement officers and security experts moderated by ADL Mountain States Regional Director Scott Levin addressed questions on safety and security. Panelists included: Supervisory Special Agent Michael Bobbitt, FBI – Denver Field Office; Jessica Nixon, Infrastructure Protection Analyst, Colorado Department of Public Safety; Division Chief Ron Thomas, Denver Police Department; Carl Chinn; and Jeremy Shaver, Senior Associate Director, ADL Mountain States Region.
Security resources for Jewish institutions, as well as for other religious institutions and non-profit organizations, can be found on ADL’s website:
For more information on ADL’s Jewish Institutional Security resources or to arrange a security seminar for your institution, please call 303-830-7177 or send an email to mountainstates@adl.org.