Nathaniel Fisher
Nathaniel Fisher, a freshman at the University of New Mexico, is honored to hold an internship at ADL Mountain States this year. “The importance of working at ADL is amplified by the heinous attacks in Israel, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to do my part,” he says.
Nathaniel was born and raised in beautiful New Mexico and is proud to be a Lobo and a member of the University of New Mexico Class of 2027. His current area of focus is Political Science. He has always been passionately interested in politics and has worked for several politicians on the national and municipal level, including NM Representative Pamelya Herndon. Additionally, alongside other students he worked to advocate for safer schools as the founder of Students Demand Action: Sandia High School Chapter.
Nathaniel believes that interning at ADL will provide an invaluable education in work that is central to his identity: that of advocating for Jews and Israel and against hatred in all forms. Nathaniel is inordinately grateful for the community he finds in ADL to do this crucial work against evil together.
A lifelong lover of animals and nature, Nathaniel also plans to study wildlife biology and ecology in order to have sustained engagement with the beauty and consolation of the non-human world. An avid sports enthusiast, he can also hold his own in Harry Potter trivia competition at any level, having read the series, without exaggeration, dozens of times.
The ADL Mountain States Region is delighted to welcome Nathaniel to the team!