L-R: ADL National Director Jonathan Greenblatt with Ginsberg Award recipient and Mountain States ADL Regional Board Member Alan Frosh
Alan Frosh, a member of the Mountain States Anti-Defamation League Regional Board and co-chair of ADL’s Robert B. Sturm Leadership Fellows Program, was honored on May 6, 2018 with the Daniel R. Ginsberg Leadership Award at ADL’s National Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. The Leadership Award is given each year to outstanding young professionals for their leadership in the fight against anti-Semitism, racism and all forms of prejudice. Frosh joined 900 other ADL leaders, young professionals and staff members from around the country at the three-day Summit. Attendees heard from some of the nation’s top policy makers, elected officials, media figures and coalition partners.
In accepting his award, Frosh charged the assembly with a call to action, saying:
I am often troubled by the collective apathy that until recently has plagued our generation. To be clear, those assembled this weekend comprise a prominent and vocal exception – a passionate beacon of involvement in dogged pursuit of advancing ADL’s mission to secure justice and fair treatment to all – but we must not allow the enormity of the work to overwhelm or deter us. To those asking our generation to answer the call, in this trying time, I hope you all will join me in declaring in one clear, resounding voice, the words of Abraham – ’hi-nei-ni,’ ’here I am.’
Reflecting on Frosh’s contribution to the Mountain States Region, Regional Director Scott L. Levin said:
ADL is fortunate to have someone with Alan’s creativity and passion. There is no question that ADL has been the beneficiary of his many talents. His blend of ’ADL Awareness,’ leadership and humility makes Alan a most worthy recipient of the 2018 Daniel Ginsberg Leadership Award. We are thrilled that he has been so honored.
Participants at the National Leadership Summit explored the resurgence of anti-Semitism in America, the rise of extremism, white supremacy and cyber hate, policies to protect the rights of immigrants and refugees, strategies to stand up against all forms of hate and discrimination in the United States. They met with government leaders from the Justice Department and Congress, and went to Capitol Hill to convey ADL’s message to our political leaders. Read more about the Summit here.