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An Open Letter to CO Representatives Mike Coffman, Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn and Jared Polis

  • January 24, 2014

Dear Representatives Coffman, Gardner, Lamborn and Polis,

The Anti-Defamation League firmly rejects the premise of both academic boycotts and the “Boycott, Divest and Sanctions” movement against Israel.  We sincerely appreciate the letter from 134 Members of Congress writing in opposition to the American Studies Association’s decision to boycott Israeli universities and academic institutions. As Coloradoans, we applaud your signatures on this important letter that not only stands in opposition to the ASA resolution, but also calls out its “singular targeting of Israel for boycott.”

As you have clearly recognized, a call to boycott Israeli academic institutions and individual academics is profoundly unjust.  It does nothing to promote a negotiated peace agreement or present constructive initiatives.  Instead, it effectively chills the very people and institutions that freely, and often heatedly, debate and critique Israeli, Palestinian and Arab policies.


Sincerely yours,

Scott L. Levin

Director, Mountain States Anti-Defamation League