Are you moved to action? Advocacy has been a hallmark of the civil rights work of the Anti-Defamation League for over one hundred years.
Action Item: Advocate for refugees.
ADL represents a community that has experienced the plight of living as refugees throughout its history. We have benefited when America lived up to its ideals as a haven for victims of persecution and we have felt the pain and loss when our government tragically failed those ideals.
In one of his first acts as President, Donald Trump plans to shut America’s door on refugees from war-torn countries including Syria, Iraq, Sudan and Somalia. This Executive Order will: (1) stop most refugee admissions for several months, including for all refugees from Syria; (2) drastically reduce the annual refugee admissions ceiling; and (3) ban entry to the U.S. for some people from Muslim-majority countries.
ADL has advocated for fair and humane refugee policy since its founding and has been a leader in exposing anti-immigrant and anti-refugee hate that has poisoned our nation’s debate. In addition, ADL has rich experience and expertise advocating for robust policies to prevent terrorists from gaining access to the United States. As such, we know it is outrageous to suggest that, by shutting down America’s refugee resettlement program and capping refugee admissions, we are “protecting the nation from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals.” Refugee status is, in fact, the single most difficult way to enter the United States and there have been no recorded terrorist attacks in the U.S. committed by Syrian refugees. Read our full statement on the Executive Order here.
Please join us in expressing strong support for America’s refugee program as an asset to both America’s humanitarian and security interests. Here are some ways you can help:
Steps for Action
- Speak out on social media.
- Post a #solidarityselfie along with the hashtags #refugeeswelcome and #nomuslimban. Invite family and friends to join in, too. Here are examples of some signs you can hold up in your photo:
- “I am Mountain States ADL and I stand with refugees and immigrants”
- Refugees and Immigrants Welcome Here @ADLdenver
- Immigrants are part of our community and #heretostay
- My America welcomes refugees and immigrants
- Tweet out this letter signed by more than 1,700 rabbis in support of welcoming refugees with the tweet “@realdonaldtrump @POTUS I proudly stand with 1700+ rabbis urging you to keep America’s doors open to #refugees hias.org/1500rabbis
- Post a #solidarityselfie along with the hashtags #refugeeswelcome and #nomuslimban. Invite family and friends to join in, too. Here are examples of some signs you can hold up in your photo:
- Sign up for more regional Action Alerts here. Choose “civil rights issues” on the drop-down menu.
- Rally together! Ask us about local events and activities that encourage action and dialogue about immigration and the refugee crisis.
- Stand together! Sign up for ADL priority action alerts by texting the word “ACTION” to 51555. No spam, we promise – we’ll simply alert you when ADL issues you care about need your constituent voice to be heard in Congress!