Blog Archives

ADL Launches #LearnToNeverForget Campaign

Amid the highest level of antisemitic incidents in the U.S. ever tracked by ADL and alarming growth in antisemitic attitudes, ADL has launched #LearnToNeverForget in support of improving and expanding Holocaust education across the U.S. Together, we must say “never forget” and “never again.”

You’re Invited to ADL’s NO SHOW GALA

Your Absence is Requested! This year, we invite you to not spend money buying a ticket, purchasing a table, shopping for that perfect suit or cocktail dress, hiring a babysitter, paying for parking or tipping the valet.  Instead, make a fully tax-deductible gift to ADL of what you would have otherwise spent! A gift to ADL this holiday season is knowing you

2021-2022 No Place for Hate Excellence Awards

The No Place for Hate Excellence Awards were created for those schools that excel in helping to create a culture that is safe and welcoming for all. This may be based on a specific activity or a year-long culmination of activities that significantly impacted their school community. It may also be based on the commitment they have made to the